Document Type : Research Paper



    Justice is one the most highly regarded virtues in societies and is as old as the human society itself. since people have different perceptions about the idea of justice according to their understanding and social values, the analysis of injustice in a society without considering its mental and perceptional aspects can lead to a misunderstanding. Therefore this study explores the students’ point of view about social justice and investigates the answer of this question: “can we consider the observed difference in people’s points of view about social justice, as related to their religiosity?”
The theoretical viewpoints of current study are categorized in 4 groups: Need, Equality, fairness and individualism. Among different religion typologies, Shepherd typology was selected. Using Kukran formula by proportional layer sampling, survey was done among 382 students -332 from Tehran and 50 from Shahed university- were questioned.
Results show that there is a correlation between the students’ point of view about justice and their type of religiosity. As their religious beliefs became more secular and individualistic and rationalistic, their points of view about social justice became more liberalized and as their religious beliefs became more traditional, their point of view about social justice became socialistic. Moreover, age and sex have correlation with respondent’s points of view about social justice but there was no significant correlation among social-economic base, semester of study, marital status and field of study and point of view about social justice. Results also show that most of the students had a Ralzi (compound) view about social justice.


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