Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences Education, Farhangian University; Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Sociology, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran



This article has been prepared in order to analyze the personality of the youth, as effective factors in the social development of the country, especially the young elite. The main theory of this article is the integrated and multidimensional theory of "social order". Because it is related to social development, advanced personality development under family, and educational and school systems (PCK) is included. The research method is the integrated method of "social measurement". Of course, the main report of this article is based on quantitative results; which have been confirmed and described based on qualitative evidence. The statistical sample consists of 250 students from the city of Mashhad. The results show that the students of normal schools are significantly ahead of the students of SAMPAD schools in the social dimensions of advanced personality, including social tolerance, generalized commitment, general emotional dependence and social intelligence. Also, according to the regression models, the contribution of educational centers is higher compared to the family in explaining the advanced personality changes among young people. So that empathy variables in school, teacher-student relationships and teacher expectations play a strengthening role in the formation of the personality of these young people; While the intimate relationship with the school principal has a weakening role in the formation of the social dimensions of their personality.


Main Subjects