Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Social Sciences. Mashhad Ferdowsi University

2 Master of Welfare, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, Islamic Azad University

4 PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The aim of this study was to identify the adaptation policies of people without identity documents living in informal settlements in Mashhad in the field of access to education, health, housing, employment and social security. present study, the contextual theory method, which is one of the methods of qualitative data analysis, has been used to analyze the data. The statistical population of the study was the study of all people without identity documents living in informal settlements in the municipal areas of Mashhad , who had lived in these areas for at least five years. Findings showed that the problems and deprivations of people without identity cards are summed up in "their low ability to take advantage of the opportunities that society has provided for members with an identity card." The lack of education and formal marriage, lack of community welfare facilities and services, unsustainable employment and turning to low-income and manual jobs are among the most important deprivations and problems in the lives of people without identity documents; As a result, individuals without identity documents have formed a skeptical community due to their structural position and in order to solve their problems and deprivations. These people have been able to create a situation in this community to solve their problems and apply various welfare policies in different areas in order to improve their welfare.



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