Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D student in the Faculty of Law and Political Science, Allameh Tabatabai University


Today, the issue of economic corruption in the world has become one of the most important concerns of social groups and institutions, as well as governments. The spread of this phenomenon in most countries has found a structural and institutional aspect. Corruption has grown significantly in Iran over the past two decades. In the present article, the author uses the documentary method and analytical model based on the influence of different social levels (political, economic and cultural) on each other, to examine the roots and structural processes of the prevalence of such widespread corruption in government. According to this analytical model, in the post-revolutionary period, with the dominance of the political culture of the ruling forces, the participation of citizens and social groups led to political obstruction, which led to the creation of monopolies in the economic sector; this monopoly eventually became the source of corruption. The results show that the interaction status of the mentioned levels is not positive and this has negative effects on the economic field. In the economic sector, four erroneous policy models can be examined and traced: the widespread governmentalization of the economy, the prevalence of commercial capitalism and unbridled consumerism, the adoption of redistributive policies, and the multi-currency nature.



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