Document Type : Research Paper


1 phd of sociology

2 Sociology Department, Faculty of humanities, University of kashan

3 Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Kashan University, Kashan, Iran


The sudden onset of Corona disease has caused anxiety in the family, especially mothers. Because getting sick, in addition to the risks to physical health, has various psychological effects such as chronic anxiety due to getting Corona disease and fear of death. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the state of happiness and resilience of mothers in the face of Corona anxiety. This study was conducted by survey method. The statistical population of the study is all married women with children over 20 years old in Kashan city that multi-stage cluster sampling method has been used. Data collection tools were the standard Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, the resilience variable by the Connor and Davidson questionnaire, and the anxiety caused by Corona by Alipoor et al. Also, using Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability and coefficient above 70% for each dimension was calculated, which indicates the appropriate reliability of the questionnaire. The results of this study show that happiness (life satisfaction, positive mood, health, efficiency, self-esteem) and women’s resilience (acceptance of positive emotions, spirituality, trust in personal instincts, competence) on Corona anxiety (physical and psychological symptoms) are related and its value is equal to 0.4778.
Key Words: smart environment, citizenship culture, public sphere, private sphere, public sphere.



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