Document Type : Research Paper
1 Head of Allameh Tabatabai Branch of ACECR
2 Allameh Tabatabai Branch of ACECR
The present study seeks to re-analyze and statistically summarize the previous set of research on the phenomenon of social empowerment as one of the main concepts of development. In other words, it seeks to enumerate the factors affecting social empowerment and the extent of this impact based on previous studies and quantitative research. This study tries to answer the main research question by using meta-analysis method as one of the types of research review methods. In order to perform meta-analysis of all valid scientific researches at the domestic level from 2007 to 1399, it was selected as the statistical population of the research and after studying all the obtained documents, 23 documents were finally identified as suitable for meta-analysis. The data obtained from these documents were analyzed using meta-analysis software (CMA2). The research findings were presented in two parts: descriptive findings and meta-analysis findings. Findings obtained from the combination of effect intensity show that the variables of socio-economic status and social participation with the effect of combined effects of 0.436 and 0.434, respectively, had an average effect on the amount of social empowerment. Also, among the studied variables, the age variable had the least effect on the level of social empowerment and its effect was negative.
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