Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph.D student of Economic Sociology and Development, Faculty of Humanities,Azad shahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azad shahr, Iran.
2 Assistant professor of Department ofSociology , Faculty of Humanities,Azad shahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azad shahr, Iran. ( Corresponding Author)
3 Associate professor, of Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences,Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
By adopting a sociological approach, the present research tries to study distributive justice feeling among Khorramabad citizens regarding welfare programs of the Iranian Government; meanwhile, it reviews different approaches to relationship between development, distributive justice, and social welfare. The present research was carried out by survey method and using questionnaire in March, 2022. By considering social welfare levels in different urban regions in Khorramabad, the research sampling was designed through integrating cluster sampling and disproportionate stratified sampling with 400 as the sample volume. The results showed that the distributive justice feeling of Khorramabad citizens regarding social welfare was low, and only 2.4 % of the people considered this feeling high. And, regarding its different dimensions, i.e., distribution of job opportunities, employment, and governance, they felt more discrimination, and the feeling came to the lowest point regarding the dimensions of individual freedoms and their use of media and communications.
Examining the hypotheses, the results showed that the variables social welfare needs, trust level for welfare programs of the government, and the amount of economic capital are more interdependent with the variable distributive justice feeling regarding governmental welfare programs. The regression analysis findings showed that independent variables predict 50.8 % of the variable variance of distributive justice feeling level regarding social welfare programs of the government. Among them, the net effect of the variable welfare needs ...
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