Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Development Sociology

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Kharazmi University

3 Professor, Department of Sociology, Research Sciences Branch


The purpose of this article is to analyze the country's social security system in the development plans of the last four decades in Iran. The research method is customary or conventional qualitative content analysis. The study population is the economic and social development programs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and each of the sectors related to the social security system such as social insurance and social support is the unit of analysis. Validation using the parallel information acquisition technique and the researcher's self-review, validation has been considered using coding procedures. The social security system has had fragmented and slow growth. The social assistance and support is superior to the social insurance and has two main characteristics of reductionism and discrimination. The social security system is summarized in programs to provide services and support to specific groups and in planning, this system as a tool to gain legitimacy and strengthen the social and popular origin of the ruling political system, not a modern tool for poverty alleviation and equitable distribution of income Considered to be more focused on health insurance, it has grown towards the development of the horizontal dimension and the development of the vertical dimension has been almost neglected
