Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Anthropology Research Institute

2 Faculty member of the Department of History and Archeology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 Faculty member of Anthropology Department, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch



Today, tourism seeks to gain experience and return to the knowledge of the beliefs and traditions of local communities. Localization is one of the discourses that has been considered in the field of new development paradigms.
Localization in the sense of self-belief, preservation and revival of indigenous methods and validation of one's own culture based on its real knowledge in the first place and conscious selection of economic, social and cultural methods and techniques of new scientific knowledge in the second place. Experience has shown that many indigenous techniques and methods, due to their compatibility with the ecosystem, are the same methods that represent the methods of achieving sustainable development today. In the field of tourism, this is reflected in components and categories such as indigenous knowledge, ecotourism, ecotourism resorts, event tourism, and rural and nomadic tourism. Considering the purpose and central issue of the research, ie the effect of localization approach in the process of sustainable tourism, it is concluded that by creating localization in the field of tourism, the scope of research, rehabilitation and efficiency of the indigenous community has increased. It has a direct connection.
In the methodological dimension, the qualitative research method and the approach appropriate to anthropological work, ie ethnography, were used as the operational method of research, and the thematic analysis technique was used to analyze the data.



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