Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tourism Management Dept., Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Tourism Management Dept., Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Tourism Management Dept., Faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran



The World Tourism Organization has recognized senior tourism as an important opportunity in the tourism industry because Population ageing is a global phenomenon And according to the United Nations, the population of all countries is aging . On the other hand, Today's seniors have a higher level of wealth, more free time and improved health conditions to participate in tourism activities than their predecessors. Despite the growth in the number of researches in senior tourism field, there is still gap for more researches, especially in countries like Iran where the population is moving rapidly towards aging. Therefore This study aims to identify and provide the most important Categories of Senior Tourism Development base on previous studies. To achieve this goal, with adopting a qualitative meta-synthesis approach, We analyzed 82 articles And after open coding and axial coding, 10 sub-categories and 4 categories were provided: (1) Motivations include push motivations and pull motivations; (2) Constraints include intrapersonal Constraints, interpersonal Constraints and structural Constraints; (3) Facilitators include intrapersonal Facilitators , interpersonal Facilitators and structural Facilitators; (4) Benefits include Improve the quality of life(Objective factors), Improve the quality of life(Subjective factors). Most Reviewed studies(Both Persian and English sources) deal only with a specific aspect of senior tourism, and advantage of this study is its comprehensive view(from the Tourists' Perspective).


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