Document Type : Research Paper
1 Head of Social Issues/Presidential organization
2 Assistant professor of Department ofSociology , Faculty of Humanities,Azad shahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azad shahr, Iran. ( Corresponding Author)
3 Professor of Development Planning, Higher Education; Planning Department of Higher Education Planning Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
4 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran
This study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the welfare policies of women-headed households and its challenges in the9th to12th governments.This research is based on the purpose, application,type of research, qualitative and has an inductive approach.In order to analyze the data from the semi-structured interviews, thematic analysis method was used.The statistical population under study included20 knowledgeable and active people in the fields of science,policy making,executive and non-governmental organizations in the field of vulnerable women,as well as suitable texts for extracting indicators(theoretical literature).In this research,the snowball approach was used to select the samples and the theme saturation method was used as a standard for the end of the sampling.Themes were quantified using semi-structured interviews.The result of qualitative data analysis, identification of 48 basic themes, 28 organizing themes and finally, 7 overarching themes including the success rate of general policies,future policies for success,the difference between fundamentalist and reformist governments,the future status of vulnerable women.the reason for the existence of welfare problems,the systems that can be implemented,the solutions for the implementation of the implementation systems were presented in the form of a model.In most of the studies about vulnerable women,a problem has been addressed.In this research, in addition to stating the problems, implementable systems and implementation solutions of these systems to solve the problems have been discussed.In the end,based on the results,suggestions were presented in this field.
- Keywords: "welfare policies"
- "vulnerable women"
- "household-headed women"
- "ninth to twelfth governments"
Main Subjects
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