Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University; 19395-4697 I.R. of IRAN.

2 Sociology department, Payame Noor University



Socio-cultural changes and consequently social development in recent decades have caused family values, like other values, to undergo many changes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural pattern of relationships between social development and family values among the citizens of Sarvai. The present study was conducted using quantitative method and according to the survey technique. The statistical population of this study was all citizens over 18 years of age in Sari who 400 people were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. To collect information were used from the questionnaire technique and for statistical analysis, correlation test and structural equation modeling. Findings indicate that the dimensions of social development have a significant relationship among citizens on traditional and modern family values. Of course, the impact of the dimensions of social development is not the same among citizens on traditional and modern family values. But the dimensions of social development (quality of life, social security, social harmony and development ethics) among citizens have not had a significant relationship on postmodern family values. Therefore, despite observing the relationship between the dimensions of social development and traditional and modern family values, are not observed in relation to it postmodern family values, which if we do not pay attention to the dimensions, we will see the prevalence of postmodern family values.


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