Document Type : Research Paper


Department of sociology , Payame Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran



Social happiness is a set of individual and social conditions that cause people to have positive attitudes towards the environment that surrounds them. This research was conducted with the aim of "investigating some factors affecting the social happiness of students" using a survey method. The sample size of 400 people was determined and the samples were selected using stratified random sampling method. A questionnaire was used to collect research data. The mean social happiness of the students was 2.31 (from 1 to 5). The findings of two-variable analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of security feeling, social health, feeling of injustice, social capital, feeling of relative deprivation, the amount of use of cyberspace, feeling of social alienation, and religious adherence with the social happiness of students. However, there was no significant relationship between the age and social happiness of students. Also, there is a significant difference in the social happiness of students according to their sex and marital status. The results of the multiple regression analysis also showed that except for the variables of feeling of relative deprivation, marital status, security feeling, social capital and the amount of use of cyberspace, other independent variables were removed from the regression equation. These variables have been able to explain 28% of the variance of the dependent variable of social happiness.


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