Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Cultural Sociology, Department of Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Chair of Department of Sociology at Allameh Tabatabi' University

3 Allameh Tabataba'i University



Economy of culture is regarded as a strategic industry in the national economies of countries. Policy in the production distribution and consumption of cultural products is one of the most important duties of governments, Despite its rich cultural resources Iran lags behind developed countries and even comparable countries such as Turkey. The aim of the present study is to investigate the characteristics of the government of Iran and Turkey in the EC with a comparative-historical approach. Document and secondary analysis approaches have been utilized to acquire data. The study's findings indicate that the Turkish government has the characteristics of development-oriented governments and that in different periods by adhering to the approach of neoliberalism and secularism and the basic principles in achieving development, especially in the cultural field, the existence of elite consensus and Stability in programs has aided the growth and progress of cultural industries. Avoiding the capitalist approach and tending to justice-oriented approaches after the Islamic revolution led to excessive presence of the government in the culture and art sector, and as a result, the presence of the private sector diminished. Also, the multiplicity of policy-making institutions and the lack of consensus among elites, the lack of legal and material infrastructure, the lack of favorable international platforms, and the disharmony with Western cultural policies compared to Turkey, are factors EC underdevelopment in Iran.


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