Document Type : Research Paper


Member of the faculty of Allameh Tabatabai University



Development, is always a changing concept and pregnant with various perceptions and therefore challenging and controversial. On the other hand, inequality and prosperity, as well as their relationship with development, have always been a place of exploration and questioning. These characteristics have caused the development to invade various fields of humanities and social sciences, especially sociology, economics, political sciences, and cultural studies, and it is called the intersection and also one of the most important common seasons. Of course, this feature has caused the achievement of development to require various arrays of these multiple platforms, which according to newer researches and in the best way, occurs in the form of institutional conditions that create the development platform. The purpose of this research is the institutional analysis of suitable and favorable conditions for development and equality, which is determined by social, economic, cultural and political structures. The findings indicate the institutional entanglement of these multiple structures and the action and interaction and the serious impact and impression between them with the legal-legal structure as well as equality and justice in the society, In such a way that, except by studying and achieving these institutional conditions that form the basis of development, any developmental efforts will be nothing more than a distant dream and an unattainable dream in the office and the court.


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