Document Type : Research Paper



interpersonal trust and security, gender equality and integration of minorities), is one of the most important determinants of public health. The effect of other variables also shows that education, per capita GDP, the labor participation and employment rate, health expenditures and immunization programs, have a positive impact on the public health and the rate of inflation and emissions of carbon dioxide, have a negative impact on the public health.
Keywords: Social Development, Public Health, Social-Economic Factors, Panel Data

Impact of Social Development on Public Health*
Yousef Mohammadzadeh[1] , Samad Hekmati Farid[2]
Samira Abdolalizad[3]
Received: 20/6/2016       Accepted: 26/12/2016
According to recent studies, social development and health capital are the main axes of development and economic growth, on the other hand, the health of people relates to social environment factors more than any other factor. So the World Health Organization has recently begun serious discussion on health social determinants. This study aims to investigate the effect of social development on public health in 101 upper-middle income countries of the world over the period 1990-2014 STATA software was used for data analysis and models’ evaluation. In order to achieve reliable results, in both models the life expectancy and mortality rates were used for public health indicators. The results showed that in all models in the 99% confidence level, the social indicators have a significantly positive impact on the life expectancy and a significantly negative impact on the mortality rates. In final models, the social development factor for life expectancy and mortality respectively, 3/16 and -2/95. Therefore, the development of social indicators (Civic activities, clubs and societies, within-group cohesion,

* This article is extracted from UrmiaUniversity economics graduate thesis entitled "Effects of Social Capital on public health in selected countries"

[1]. Assistant Professor Economics, University of Urmia, Urmia, IRAN (Corresponding
    Author).   Email:

[2]. Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Urmia. Urmia, IRAN.   

[3]. M.A. Economics, University of Urmia Urmia, IRAN,