Document Type : Research Paper




The Analysis of the Effective Factors on Citizenship Knowledge Among Students
(Case Study: City of Poldokhtar)
Vali Bahrami[1] ,  Ali akbar Taj mazinani[2]  , Hossin Amiri[3]
Received: 4/4/2015                          Accepted: 8/4/2016
The paper studies the students ‘awareness regarding civil rights and its related factors. The quantitative approach and descriptive survey were used. The purpose of the research is practical and the questionnaire and interview were applied for data collection. the dependent variable was the level of awareness with citizenship rights categorized into civil, political, cultural, social, and gender-based rights.
The number of selected participants is 257 out of 780 students in the Poldokhtar area by multi-stage cluster sampling. T-test, Pearson correlation, Spearman and multivariate regression test were used to analyze the data. Students' awareness of all citizenship rights is moderate and high. Among the various dimensions of citizenship rights, the social dimension of the highest and the political dimension of citizenship rights had the lowest level of awareness of citizenship rights. In addition, the research shows that there is a significant relationship between gender, type of education, membership in associations and schools, parents' education, place (rural or urban), and the use of mass media with awareness of citizenship rights..
Keywords: Citizenship Rights, Membership, Mass Media, Students

[1]. PhD Student of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities. University of Kashan.

[2]. Assistant Professor in Social Prosperity Planning, College of Social Science,

[3].PhD Student in Agricultural Extension and Education at Tarbiyat Modares

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