Document Type : Research Paper



The present research aims to investigate the relationship between the family social capital rate and the entrepreneurial characteristics of the people participating in short-term entrepreneurship training courses in different districts of Tehran in 2010. Based on Cochran's sample size formula and using simple random sampling method, 201 subjects were selected from among 2010 people. This was a survey study, and the data was collected using a questionnaireconsisting of standard items about the research dependent variableas well as some standardized researcher-made items on the variable offamilysocial capital along with otherindependentvariables.
The entrepreneurial dimensions in people’s personality which were focused in this research included moderate risk taking, control center, the need to success, intellectual health, practicality, ambiguity tolerance, day-dreaming, and challenge seeking. The results indicated that family social capital had a significant positive relationship with the research dependent variable, i.e. entrepreneur personality. There was also a significant positive relationship between this variable and seven out of eight entrepreneurial dimensions in the personality of children. However, it showed no significant relationship with practicality rate in the personality of children. 


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