Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences, Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 PhD Candidate of Cultural Policy Making, Kharazmi University


Urbanization in Iran has grown significantly in recent years, but it has not been far from negative problems and consequences; Part of these problems is due to the lack of attention to the cultural dimension of the city and urbanization in the planning system. Therefore, the present research is written to study the position of city cultural development in the policy making system of Islamic Republic of Iran. The method used to achieve the purpose of the research is the qualitative content analysis method in a deductive way; accordingly, the categories for study in the text, has been developed based on theories and after encoding agenda design (with the patterning of Myring's work), search and has been analyzed and criticized. Units of study is the 5th and 6th five-year plans of economic, social, and cultural development of Islamic Republic of Iran. The findings of the research indicate that the fifth and sixth plans are inadequate to the city cultural development and its components (cultural citizen and cultural capital
of the city). The fifth plan focuses more on the cultural capital of the city and the sixth plan focuses more on cultural citizen. Indicators of interest in the plans are considered in most cases indirect and one-dimensional. In general, based on the findings of the research, it is suggested that the neglected indicators of city cultural development in these plans include: education and protection of citizens' rights and responsibilities, need assessment and surveys in cultural fields from the citizens, the development of inter-city communication, the development of parks and green space, information in cultural fields and the use of cultural and artistic elements in the city space to be considered in future plans.
Keywords: City Cultural Development, Policy Making System, Cultural Citizen, Cultural Capital of the City

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