Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology

2 Emam Khomeini University

3 Saba Pension Strategies Institute


Considering the importance and necessity of being aware of the impact of socio-cultural services of the Civil Servants Pension Fund on the quality of life of retirees, the present study uses a evaluation design and methodology quantitative (survey method with questionnaire technique), examine four supplementary insurance, essential loans, cane, glasses, hearing aids and travel allowances, and pilgrimage and tourist tours services, and suggestions for improving this effectiveness. The statistical population of the study includes all retirees living across the country who have used the four mentioned services, of which 1317 people as a sample size in 5 provincial areas using simple random sampling methods with random number table strategy and based on the number of retirees in each province and province belonging to each region were selected and surveyed by telephone. The findings showed that although retirees are relatively dissatisfied with the fund's socio-cultural services, they generally have a positive assessment of the effectiveness of these services on their quality of life. The results of the study, although indicate the coexistence of retirees' dissatisfaction and the efficiency of the fund's services in the quality of life of retirees, but it seems that the optimal effectiveness of these services requires redefining and mainstreaming retirement and their quality of life based on the concepts of active retirement and subjectivist quality of life.


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