Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor, Payame Noor University, Professor of Anthropology at Allameh Tabataba'i UniversityIran

2 دانشیار مدیریت کارآفرینی دانشگاه تهران


The process of creating a business in the new world is one of the focal points for creating micro and medium economic development. In fact, the importance of creating a platform to create a suitable environment for business growth is one of the concerns of today in the field of entrepreneurship. In the meantime, the business creation team or in other words, the founding team is of special importance and its study can show the variables that cause the success or failure of a business. Thinkers in various fields have repeatedly noted the importance of culture in entrepreneurship, but it seems that this direct impact should be more carefully studied about the founding team and the cultural characteristics that can underlie business development. The element of culture should be actively present in the patterns of entrepreneurship, because the attitude of entrepreneurs is influenced by the methods and values ​​of indigenous culture. Culture, in addition to attitude, also affects perception and behavior. attitude of entrepreneurs is influenced by the methods and values ​​of indigenous culture. Culture, in addition to attitude, also affects perception and . attitude of entrepreneurs is influenced by the methods and values ​​of indigenous culture. Culture, in addition to attitude, also affects perception and


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