Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.



Awareness of the poverty situation in a society will be the first step in the planning process to combat poverty and deprivation and to review the results of previous programs and policies and possibly revise them. This study aims to provide a model to explain poverty in semi-urban areas of Khuzestan province. The method used in this research is data foundation theory. The participants of the present study are 24 poverty-related stakeholders who either live in the study areas or have work experience and administrative activities and interaction with these areas. Semi-structured interview technique was used to collect data and purposive sampling was used to select cases. After coding, ten main categories of data emerged, each of which was completely analyzed based on the text of the interviews. The emerging paradigm includes three dimensions of conditions, actions-interactions and consequences, which based on the results of research in the dimension of conditions including (lack of social capacity building, challenges of attracting investors, lack of accountability and transparency in the performance of public institutions in decision optimization). Implemented grievances and strategies, injustice in the distribution the dimension of action-interaction (Allocation of government facilities to real bority) Humanity and security of people Erosion of quality of life, crisis of knowledge aced and irregular development between regions - ruralization at the origin) formed د.


Main Subjects