Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran

2 Researcher, Technology Studies Institute, Tehran, Iran



The number of female-headed households has risen in recent years in Iran and the difficulties that these women and their families encounter have prompted politicians and organizations to pay special attention to the employment and empowerment of female-headed households. For this purpose, using the Meta Synthesis method of the documents in this field ( 66 research and official documents ), analysis and then in-depth interviews with informants and stakeholders at three levels of the micro ( female-headed households ), medium ( Social worker), and macro ( Managers and decision makers) were carried out. 24 people were interviewed at different levels of this research. Thematic analysis was then used to analyze the data. The findings in the four areas of vulnerability context, types of livelihood assets, processes and structures, and livelihood strategies of female-headed households reveal that there are many challenges and issues that prevent interventions in the area of employment and empowerment from being as effective as they should be. The validity and reliability of the answers were checked and confirmed. Based on Meta Synthesis and in-depth interview findings, 24 significant challenges and 104 issues were identified in these four areas.
Keywords: female-headed households, empowerment, employment, economic empowerment, social protection


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